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 Message from the Chief:

My brothers and sisters, 
As the wind blows, we must bend with it or we will break and die. So I say to you we must bend to survive. Still we must stand tall and teach our children the ways of the Grandfathers but always remembering that for them to survive they must learn the ways of others also.  Always remembering that the trickster (coyote) is always looking for those he can turn to do his biding and that many people only want to line their pockets with money with no care for the people they hurt.  So it is we must look for those with good hearts and straight tongues to stand with us on this path we have chosen to walk. For those of you who do not know my people but wish to learn more, we use the term American Native not Native American because we believe that all people born here are Natives to America, and that we the American Indian are the true indigenous people of this land we call TURTLE ISLAND

Chief C. Kodiak & Dee (Little Wolverine) Mize


Email notice to my people: On Thu, 7/1/10, Cyril kodiak Mize wrote: as of today July 1st 2010.i will no lounger be Chief of the Red wolf Band of the United Lumbee Nation. i know this may come as a shock to some of you but i have thought long and hard on this 1st only a few of you seem to care about this band,or nation .maybe with me out of the way you will follow those i have given the reins of our band, this is all i can hope for. 2nd I want to spend more time with my family and as most of my time now is put into trying to talk people into or having and or coming to our meetings with no interest i hope with new blood in office this will change. Robert Carter has all the bands paperwork at this point . I am moving out of state and will have no way for anyone reach me for now.. Grandmother-Wolf i will contact you when I feel the time is right for now I am going to find inter peace and listen to the spirits and let them show me what path they want me to go. MY PRAYERS GO WITH ALL OF YOU. I AM SHUTTING DOWN MY PC NOW that way none of you can try to talk me out of this you couldn't anyway good bye my friends. EX- Chief C.Kodiak Mize Proud to be an American Native


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